Meeting of the border dioceses of 4 countries dedicated to environment and climate change

  • Tuesday, 10:10 Date 10/05/2016
  • El Paso (Agenzia Fides) - The 31st Meeting of "border dioceses" which will bring together a hundred people including Bishops, priests, religious women and lay people from four countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay opens today, May 9 and will end on May 11.

    The meeting takes place in Paso de la Patria, a town known as El Paso, in the Argentine province of Corrientes, and will analyze the common pastoral problems concerning the border ecclesiastical districts of the four countries. This year's theme is environment, following the recent encyclical "Laudato Sì".

    According to information sent to Fides, the participants will discuss various issues related to ecology and environmental care, with all that now involves climate change in the region and the problems affecting the area. Among other issues to be addressed: desertification, environment and development, the Argentine agro-industrial model, the impacts on economy, environment, health, social conflicts. (SL)

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