Homeless People to Visit the Shroud of Turin, Thanks to the Pope

  • Thursday, 10:10 Date 11/06/2015
  • nguoi ngheoPope Francis has once again shown his care not only for the material, but also the spiritual well-being of those less fortunate.

    Some 50 homeless persons, residents of a shelter run by the Roman parish of Saint Lucy, are having an all-expense paid trip to see the Holy Shroud in Turin.

    "The trip was offered to our homeless brethren by Pope Francis who, upon hearing about the pilgrimage, through his almoner assigned to works of charity, wished to give a contribution to these people who live in precariousness with the conviction that, like the Shroud, they represent the suffering Face of the Lord Jesus," said Fr. Antonio Nicolai, pastor of St. Lucy's Parish.

    Part of the group made their way to Turin last week, and was received at two pilgrimage centers that are modelled after the centers in Lourdes, France. Sr. Giuseppina Fornoni, director of the 'Accueil del Cottolengo, highlighted the importance of giving the pilgrims an experience that nourishes both body and soul.

    "During the winters, we welcome homeless people – and we are prepared to receive these brothers and sisters so that they live a joyous experience of community, in which every sick person and guest feels welcomed individually with their priceless worth, according to the spirit of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, as is taught by the message of the greatest love that we contemplate in the Shroud," she said. 

    Source: Zenit

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